If you urgently need a large sum of money to purchase expensive equipment, pay for repairs, treatment and other expenses, then you can apply for a loan in the amount of $60,000 or more. You can apply for a microloan online and receive money via a bank card, e-wallet or money transfer. You can find out which microfinance organizations offer such large amounts of debt on this page. When choosing, consider the term, interest rate, requirements for borrowers and other conditions.
How to increase your chances of getting a microloan approved
You can increase the likelihood of MFO approval of your microloan application in one of the following ways:
Indicate in the form the most complete and reliable information about yourself
Become a regular customer by consistently applying for and repaying several small loans
Find out your credit rating and select offers based on this indicator
Submit applications simultaneously to several microfinance organizations
Contact a new, recently operating microfinance organization that is more loyal to clients
Link to your personal account and verify your registered bank card
Have a good job and a stable high income
Getting a loan for this amount is faster and easier than a consumer loan
Such microloans are offered for a long period – from six months or more
Interest rates for loans of $60,000 or more are usually lower than for smaller amounts.
Not all microfinance organizations issue microloans in amounts starting from $60,000
Many organizations issue such loans only to regular customers.